Monday, August 12, 2013

Being Loved

God spoke through my fortune cookie a few days ago. It said...
Love is being offered to you, be affectionate in return!
These last few days have been remarkable. Last Thursday I began my return trip to Colorado with my family. As we drove through Texas on Thursday, a drive that is usually bland and boring, my eyes were captivated by the beauty of the land. The hot summer day was then met by a refreshing storm that quenched the dry Texas soil and refreshed my soul. Thursday evening, we pulled into our camping spot in Caprock Canyon State Park near dusk. As the sky grew dark, we were greeted by a lightning storm in the distance that was more beautiful than any firework show. At the same time, stars began to light up the sky; leaving me in awe because the panhandle of Texas reveals a myriad of stars that are never seen from the metro area of San Antonio and Austin. I drifted to sleep that night feeling loved by my Creator. The next morning, I woke early to go run. I set off on a trail through the state park not knowing what to expect. I was left speechless. I ran on a trail that followed the rim of a canyon with beautiful red stones, before spitting me into another beautiful area of the park that crossed creek beds and showed glimpses of other canyon walls in the distance. It was breath-taking.

Later that day, we entered Colorado where I was greeted by pine trees and mountains. It felt like God was welcoming me back to Colorado. During the drive, I started to feel a slight amount of apprehension about returning to school. However, I then looked out my window to see one of the fullest rainbows I have ever viewed. I felt God smiling at me through that rainbow and telling me, "I have a purpose for you being here; don't feel apprehensive about the future. Welcome back."

Over the last few days I have gotten to catch up with old friends and make new friends. I have been awed by the beauty of God's creation in Clear Creek Canyon, beautiful trails near Colorado Springs, and in the nature surrounding the small mountain town of Silver Plume Colorado. I have felt God embracing me.

I am sharing all of this, not because I want to brag about the beautiful things that I have been blessed to see, but rather because God has been speaking to me so powerfully. All things created point back to their creator. I have felt God acting as my lover trying to woo me. It has been a remarkable feeling. As my senses are brought alive by nature, human relationships and even a fortune cookie, I know that God is loving me. These glimpses of beauty are signs of God's love being offered to me.God gives me grace that is greater than anything that I can imagine. I am often too prideful to accept it, so I try to earn God's love. However, His love cannot be earned; it is given freely because of Jesus Christ. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that I cannot repay God, and that there is no debt for me to work off. However, I can understand a fortune cookie that reminds me "love is being offered to you, be affectionate in return!"

Therefore, I hope to be affectionate to God.  He has already given me the gift that I must learn to accept. I can do nothing to earn His love, but I can be affectionate in return. I can praise Him and I can spend time with God. This summer I have felt convicted about not being personal with God. I have repeatedly felt a need to enter into a personal relationship with Him through prayer. Now, I feel it again, and now I understand that God is my lover. More than ever, I want to talk to Him; more than ever, I want to be affectionate in return.