Not too long ago I wanted to blog to share all the knowledge that I would accumulate in college and share all the epic experiences I would have with God. However, I soon found that things wouldn't come as easy as I though. I haven't had time to blog about the things that I've learned and experiences I have had. I also realized that the more I learn, the more questions I have. In fact, I have developed many more questions since being in college than I came into it with. Furthermore, I have realized that my faith isn't always a fruitful paradise; there are certainly dry spells too. As weird as it is to say, I assumed that being at a small Christian college meant that my relationship with God would come easy and I would automatically know God on a deeper level. However, the truth is that I have probably had more struggles and questions since being here. Don't get me wrong. There have been huge blessings too. In reality, my life is overwhelmed with blessings and opportunities, but I am just now learning to live with the struggles as well as the blessings because it is all a part of this crazy ride called life!
I would like to turn this blog into a space where I can ask questions, as well as share stories and insightful discoveries. I want to seek answers and truth to questions I have; and honestly, I also like to share my opinion and be recognized for that. However, I need help remembering not to lose sight of the big picture. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what gets answered, what I learn or what I say as long as you and I know that God loves us through our mistakes and successes, ups and downs - all the time. So, when I blog - which will probably be sporadic - please give me your input and thoughts. You can respond on the blog, via e-mail, or facebook message. My hope is that we can learn and grow together. And please, please hold me accountable to speaking about things that are worthwhile and glorifying to God. If I am not communicating God's love, please let me know because above all else God's love needs to be shared!
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